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​We are a church with the need to live by and for the gospel. With extension to Ecuador, Peru and Mexico. In the grace of God, we walk in harmony with His will and His plan for our lives. We know that He loves us and we live to experience the depth of His love in a personal and intimate way, knowing that we were created for His Glory; Therefore we live to surrender our lives to Him. Wanting to get to know Him more and more, to live in such way that we please Him. We are men and women who want to be instruments of God; therefore we have dedicated our hearts exclusively to Him.


We share a common dream and determination as a congregation committed to the vision that God has given us. Our desire is to be an effective instrument of God by raising up in this region a church that will be restored to the biblical pattern and power and that becomes an instrument for the purposes of the kingdom, a harvest church that reaches and keeps the harvest (the people).     A clear vision gives a clear direction to the church. The vision answers the question, where is this church going? A vision focuses the future and motivates all of us to be involved. If we as God's people are going to achieve great things for God we must know what we are trying to achieve.     A clear vision allows the church to move in unity of mind, spirit, and purpose. Communicating the vision regularly serves as a constant reminder of what we as a team have agreed to follow.     A clear vision motivates us. It is the life and strength of the Church, it is fuel that lights a fire in people's hearts. It motivates people to give their lives, their time, and their finances.     Vision Is:  Having a view from above. See everything from God's perspective, through His eyes.     Vision Is:  The ability to see the future, having the direction of the Holy Spirit to achieve the purposes that God has for the church.

Nuestra Visión

    Compartimos un sueño común y una determinación como una congregación comprometida a la visión que Dios nos ha dado. Nuestro deseo es ser un instrumento efectivo De Dios al levantar en esta región una iglesia que será restaurada al patrón y poder bíblico y que llega ser un instrumento para los propósitos del reino, una iglesia de cosecha que alcanza y guarda la cosecha  (las personas).

    Una visión clara le da direccional clara a la iglesia.

La visión contesta la pregunta, ¿hacia dónde va esta iglesia?

Una visión enfoca el futuro y nos motiva a todos a estar involucrados.

Si nosotros como el pueblo de Dios vamos a lograr grandes cosas para Dios debemos saber que es lo que estamos tratando de lograr.

    Una visión clara permite que la iglesia se mueve en unidad de mente, de espíritu y de propósito. El comunicar la visión  regularmente sirve como un recordatorio constante de lo que nosotros como equipo hemos acordado a seguir.

    Una vision clara nos motiva. Es la vida y fuerza de la Iglesia,

es combustible que enciende un fuego en los corazones de las personas. Motiva a las personas a dar sus vidas, su tiempo y sus finanzas.


    Vision Es: Tener una vista de arriba. Ver todo desde la perspectiva De Dios, a través de sus ojos.

    Vision Es: La habilidad de ver el futuro, teniendo la dirección del Espíritu Santo para alcanzar los propósitos que Dios tiene para la Iglesia.

Our Pastors

Patricio and Marisol Fierro originally from Quito, Ecuador, left everything behind to follow God's calling and began to serve Him as missionaries for 7 years in Mexico, 4 of those years they were with IFES. Today, they are our church founders and have been our pastors for 24 years.

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Our lead Pastors are the founders of NuevaEs Bilingual Church for 23 years serving the church and our community.

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-There is one true God who reveals Himself to the world as The Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Matthew 28:19

-Jesus, the Son of God, is our one and only Lord and Savior, crucified for our sins and physically resurrected from the dead on the third day.
John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 Corinthians 15

-There is power in the Holy Spirit . He will convict the world about sin, righteousness, and judgment. John 16:8

-The whole bible is the written message of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit.
2Timothy 3:16

-Each Christian has a mission to share Christ by teaching all people to be a disciple, baptizing them, and to continue to be involved in their life to help a person mature in their faith.
Matthew 28:18-20

- We believe in the marriage designed
by God between one man and
​ one woman
Genesis 2:21-25

Nuestra Misión

Nuestra meta es alcanzar a esta generación con el evangelio de amor hasta que el Señor venga.

Para ello:

1: Compartir el evangelio de Cristo (creemos que la iglesia que no evangeliza no tiende razón de existir).

2: Discipulado; (creemos que no hay evangelismo sin discipulado).

3: Cuidado; velar por las necesidades espirituales y físicas.

4: Alcanzar nuestra comunidad atreves del servicio y el evangelio.

5: Apoyar a las misiones y los misioneros.

6: Crear un ambiente saludable y seguro en nuestra iglesia (somos una familia).

7: Brindamos recursos y herramientas para cumplir su propósito. 

8: Ayudamos a desarrollar los dones y talentos. 

9: Trabajamos como equipo y en equipo. 

10: Celebramos los logros alcanzados.

Our Mission

Our goal is to reach this generation with the gospel of love until the Lord comes.​

What we do:

1: Share the gospel of Christ “we believe that the church that does not evangelize has no reason to exist”.

2: Discipleship; “We believe that there is no evangelism without discipleship”.

3: Care; care for the spiritual and physical needs.

4: Reach our community through service and the gospel.

5: Support missions and missionaries.

6: Create a healthy and safe environment in our church

“we are a family”.

7: We provide resources and tools to fulfill their purpose.

8: We help develop the gifts and talents.

9: We work as a team and in a team.

10: We celebrate the achievements.

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